Book Reviews: Steady Days & A Mother's Rule of LIfe

As many of you know I LOVE BOOKS! - that is actually an understatement.  But really I cannot get enough books (although I do take breaks from reading sometimes).  Recently I have been reading some parenting, mothering, and faith inducing books.  These I find often give me catalytic concepts upon which I can try to establish a more peaceful and meaningful life (for me and my family).

In this quest (which I think will be lifelong - instead of going to school I plan to just research all of the information I can from books) I have found two very helpful resources: Steady Days by Jamie Martin and A Mother's Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot.

Both books really spoke to me - like made me cry and laugh and just plain talk to the author (in my head) - I could relate and feel normal while reading these books.  Originally I had thought they would be very similar but alas I couldn't pick between the two and decided to just read both - Boy am I glad I did.

A Mother's Rule of Life is an inspiring faith filled quest to become a better person, wife, mom, friend everything.  It takes the nitty gritty of being a person of faith (in this case Catholic - although I believe it could be applied more broadly) and breaks it down into 5 sections.  A Rule of Life is the - "schedule" - that faith driven monks and sisters use (something I did not know).  Each section is very practical and gives you a deep start into creating this purpose driven routine so that you may ENJOY every moment of life.  It also surprisingly gives you plenty of flexible time.  This is a must read in my opinion.

At the same time Jamie C Martin takes motherhood to the professional level even quoting "you wouldn't show up to work in your pajamas" - nope I wouldn't - so why should I show up to my kids that way.  This book really hit my professional side and gave me even more inspiration to give motherhood my best and to dictate only those things which me and my husband have deemed important and thus necessary.  No one else matters in the scheme of raising our kids - we just have to figure out what works for us! 

With neither book am I taking every idea, concept, and blueprint but rather picking and choosing the best (for my family) from amongst the plethora of beauty.  And even better to me is that as I go through different seasons of being a mom I can adopt different ideas adding and deleting as necessary.  Thank you Jamie and thank you Holly you have both helped me become a better mom and person in these last few weeks of reading. 

We have started our rule of life and are still tweaking but let me tell you we have never been so free and I have never worried so little.  Life is good; life is great!

Ash of All Trades


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