Book Review: Medjugorje: The Message

Medjugorje: The Message

July was a slow reading month for me as I have been pretty busy organizing a neighborhood 4th of July part (which rocked), getting ready for Vacation Bible School, working in the garden (a lot would be an understatement), working with the girls, vacationing with kids, and well just enjoying life!

I did however read the above book and it was a excellent learning experience - my friend gave me this book eons ago and I have to admit the size is what held me back.  I have been enjoying getting through three or four books a month and had a feeling this one would take me longer.  The story itself is especially intriguing as it follows one man's journey to discovering the meaning of Medjugorje and it's message.  This story is based upon a true story: some teens in Bosnia began seeing apparitions of the Virgin Mary some 30 years ago and she is giving them messages which are supposed to help people live a life closer to God and Christ.  This particular book is the story of a protestant who becomes convicted of the truth of these apparitions and signs his life over to promoting their meaning. 

 I am going to be honest here and say I am immensely intrigued by the situation in Medjugorje however the author's writing style just didn't flow very well for me - it took me a long time to read this book and I could definitely put it down in between chapters.  I highly recommend it for anyone who reads and loves historical fiction - I think it may have just been that I love myself more plot and less fact.  However it has led me to search for a different telling of the story which I intend to do after I get through my bookcase of current reads!

What have you read recently?  Do you recommend it for me?


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