Theme Learning: Bugs & Insects Week 2

Bug and Insects Oh My!  The girls have been really enjoying all of the bug and insect books, activities, and games we have been playing so I think I am going to keep each theme around for two weeks as it lets us get more activities in and is a little less work for mama!  Here are the books we enjoyed this week:

Old CricketBecoming Butterflies
The Very Greedy BeeThe Very Lazy Ladybug

Then we had a lot of fun with some games!

The Grouchy Ladybug GameUniversity Games The Very Busy Spider GameInternational Playthings Honey Bee Tree
Is it a bad sign that the girls wouldn't let me take pictures of them playing these games?!?

We also went on a nature walk looking for bugs and insects
(we found a ton with a magnifying glass but didn't bring the camera)!

Made Jumping Spiders (directions to follow)

Most importantly we spent a lot of time reading, playing outside, gardening, and having three awesome play dates - which means we didn't do that many activities!

Happy Learning,

Ash of All Trades


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