Book Reviews for May
Sorry for the delay folks things have been busy and since I have been reading a TON I haven't been keeping up with my book reviews. Below are two from May and once I am caught up (should be next week) I will start writing a review before I start a new book! There are probably going to be lots of reviews coming up as I have some pretty long lay overs and long nights ahead of me - get ready!
This is one of those controversial books that some people are huffed up about and others are ecstatic to relate to someone else. In my opinion this book was a wonderful portrayal of motherhood - an honest and even frightful insight into another mom's life. Another mom who has wept, laughed, guilted, and loved who has done things we have done, things we haven't, and things we say we never will. Motherhood isn't about being a robot it's about figuring out what works for us and raising children we will be happy with. Many aspects of this author's life seem ludicrous to me but at the same time I took away snippets of what I don't want to be, actions I COULD see myself taking, and a whole lot of reminiscing about things my own parents did that I thought were crazy (in hindsight some were and a lot weren't). Definitely a book I would recommend for the mother (parent) journeying to become the "best" mother she can be - really isn't that what we are all trying to do? This book helped opened my eyes to the fact that other mom's whose actions may seem far fetched or weird (compared to mine) are probably doing the best they can.
Hopefully that is all people think about me and my crazy ideas!
On a lighter note I also read this delightful Christian romance after downloading it to my Nook Color as Friday Freebie from Barnes and Noble (yes I fancy almost anything free). While this isn't the next classic it was a quick read which piqued my interest page after page. I definitely related to the main character and felt for her throughout the entire book. So glad I met my husband at a young age and didn't have to endure too much of the dating scene or I would have ended up in much the same predicament. Books are very much more alive to me than a movie and Ms. Smith definitely succeeded in creating the images I needed to replay this movie over and over in my head. It is a chick flick but for books! I am very much looking forward to reading Age before Beauty
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