Sunday Dinner!

Welcome back friends and readers!  Above is our first Sunday Dinner of this new challenge albeit late.  Man oh man was it delicious!

Thankfully my husband likes to cook so after 4 hours at cookie booths with my daughters I came home to this delicious dinner.  Yes I am blessed and maybe a wee bit spoiled!

The recipe for the pork is here. (It is similar but not quite the same ours has cooked bacon in the salsa).

The potatoes are just mashed with roasted garlic, green onions and fresh cilantro.  They were awesome!

Asparagus and bacon go so well together - I never liked asparagus until we started experimenting with different cooking methods.  This is just salt and pepper dressed asparagus wrapped in bacon and grilled for 20-30 minutes.  My husband is a happy man now that we eat asparagus - he loves it!

What did you have for your family dinner this week?

- Ash of All Trades


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