Gardening 101 Part 2
My deepest apologies for the delay - these last few weeks have been busy but not really - just enjoying the beautiful weather and lots of time with the kiddos. Here is my part 2 to gardening in boxes or containers!
The soil is very important - I never though it was - trust me it is. You see I normally have a brown thumb as in I have killed every plant that has ever been in my possession until I started my garden. Again I highly recommend: All New Square Foot Gardening
. Best gardening book ever. But in case you don't want to buy it or only plan to plant a few spots I will tell you how we did it.
1. 1/3 Compost - you are supposed to use 5 different types or homemade - we used two and our garden is growing amazingly.
2. 1/3 Vermiculite - almost looks like gold flakes - the only place we can find this is at Osh (Orchard Supply and Hardware) this is the most expensive portion but you never have to replace it!
3. 1/3 Peat Moss - we bough Miracle Gro peat moss at Home Depot and haven't looked back. Mel suggests baled peat moss but we couldn't find it and I was antsy to start.
You need 1/3 of each to make a rich moisture trap that will have your plants thriving! Then each time you take out an entire plant you just add compost and voila your plants will grow. I have only killed a few things since using this method and the first was because I didn't water it (oops) and the second because the bugs got it.
Once you have your containers and soil you are ready to plant. Buy some seeds or plant seedlings and get started but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't plant them based upon the directions on the seed packet - plant them close together. 16 carrots in a box, 9 bean plants, 1 tomato per square, 9 onions or garlic, 4 lettuce heads, etc etc.
Happy Gardening!
Ash of All Trades
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